7810 Midnight Pass Road Sarasota, FL 34242 Bedrooms3Bathrooms4Sq. Ft. Under Air2,401 OCT 7, 2020 Sold$950,000 Elizabeth Van RiperRealtorASAPSun9FebMon10FebTue11FebWed12FebThu13FebFri14FebSat15FebSun16FebMon17FebTue18FebWed19FebThu20FebFri21FebSat22FebPlease Select DateTour in personTour VirtuallyPlease Select Type Schedule A Tour Contact Elizabeth Van Riper X CLOSE Confirm your time Fill in your details and we will contact you to confirm a time. Your name * Email address * Phone number What times are best for you? *MorningAfternoonEvening Feel free to leave me any additional comments X CLOSE Contact Form Name *FirstLast Email * Phone Comments, Questions? *